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To: Dave Sharma MP, Federal Member for Wentworth

Speak up for people doing it tough in Wentworth!

To Dave Sharma MP,

Thousands of people in our community have lost our jobs during the COVID crisis. We call on you to speak up for us and use your power as a government MP to:

1. Condemn and challenge Prime Minister Morrison’s $100 a fortnight cut to JobSeeker on January 1, and;

2. Lift the JobSeeker rate above the poverty line permanently, so we can live with dignity while we find our feet.

Why is this important?

Our MP Dave Sharma condemned 5429 unemployed people in our community to poverty when he voted to slash income support in September.

Now, Sharma’s Coalition government is slashing the JobSeeker rate again on January 1, while people should be enjoying the festive season.

Pushing people deeper into poverty during a jobs crisis is cruel – it’ll hurt families, and mean people have less money to support local business.

Dave Sharma should speak up for our community – by asking Scott Morrison to back down from this cut and instead raise income support above the poverty line, so that people out of work in our community can live with dignity.

With so many people out of work, no one is untouched by this crisis. We all have friends, family and neighbours to advocate for. Right now there are more people worried about income support than the vote margin that elected Dave Sharma.

If he doesn’t speak up for us – come next election, we shouldn’t support him.

Sign the petition now: Dave Sharma, raise the rate of JobSeeker!


2020-11-11 22:39:56 +1100

100 signatures reached

2020-11-11 19:02:13 +1100

50 signatures reached

2020-11-11 18:26:45 +1100

25 signatures reached

2020-11-11 18:15:27 +1100

10 signatures reached